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Workflow Editor

The Workflow page is where you can establish an approval workflow for an eForm.  After you create the roles for the eForm, you can then assign individual users’ roles on the User Roles page.  

ProcessMetric creates a basic workflow by creating approval sequences.  If you have a role that is an approval role and at least one user is assigned to that role, the “Archive option is removed when editing an eForm and it is replaced with an “Approve” or “Decline” option for all users who are assigned to an approval role.  

Each role has options for actions to take when an approval or decline occurs.  For instance, you can set the approval action to assign the form to another user or to archive the form automatically. 

Creator Role

The first role is the “Creator” role.  This role has an extra action called “On Create.”  This special action type happens when the eForm is saved for the first time.  There are three options:

1) Assign the form to a user (an extra drop-down menu shows)

2) Start an escalation by assigning it to the for creator’s manager.  A text box shows up to determine how many management levels must approve to complete the escalation.

3) Archive the eForm.  This option may be used for simple survey / data entry forms where no further action is required.


Role Name

The role name is the name you will see on the User Roles page when assigning roles to individual users.  There is always a blank role on this page, which is where you can create a new role.  If you have several roles to create, click “Save” to save each new role which will provide you another empty row.  Examples of roles you may create would be “HR Approval” or “Accounting Approval”.


Approval Sequence

For eForms that require someone to approve the eForm, this is where you can define the sequence that the approvals should occur. In the example above, there are two approval levels defined, and those roles will be shown on the bottom of the active eForm page as well as on the Share page.  If a user from a higher-level role approves the eForm, ProcessMetric will not require approval from the lower levels.  For instance,  in the screen above, if a user who is assigned to the “Executive Approval”  approves the eForm instance before the user who is a HR Approval role approves the eForm, the HR Approver will no longer need to approve the form. 


Require All

 If this option is checked, ALL users associated to this role will need to approve the eForm instance before the approval level is considered Approved.  


If you want to  delete a Form Role, check this option and save the form.  The Form Role will be permanently removed from this eForm definition and all eForm instances.