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Company Forms

eForm Designer Help Page


Form Editor

ProcessMetric’s Form Editor page is the heart of the application. It is where you can create and configure your eForms to work the way you want. In this page you can:


  1. View all of the company’s eForms
  2. Add  / Create / Edit eForms
  3. Create custom form groupings based on your business
  4. Access global company lists for drop-down fields and radio buttons on eForms


Actions you can take on this page:


  • Forms with the “Add” option are form templates provided by ProcessMetric.  They allow you to instantly add a form to your company that has been pre-configured by ProcessMetric.   Once you add a form, you can click on it and edit it to meet your own needs.
  • Forms without the “Add” are already active for your company.  They may be forms you created from scratch, forms that were added from ProcessMetric templates, or forms that you imported from a customer or supplier.
  • The Actions menu contains a link called “New Form.”  Click this link to start a new form from scratch.
  • The Forms Group link will load a list of form groups (shown above in the darker rows).  Form Groups can be used to create custom form groups to present the forms in a more logical way to your users when they click “New eForm” on the myForms page.




Important information on this page


  • The Form Status will be one of three statuses.
    • Template means it is not yet added to your company and will have the “Add” option on the left.  This is how you can quickly add a completed form based on ProcessMetric’s eForms libary.
    • Testing means that the form is being worked on.  It is available for form administrators (see the help pages related to creating/editing forms) for testing purposes.
    • Released means that the testing has been completed by the form administrator(s) and that the form has been published.  It is available for users to when they click the “New eForm” on the my Forms page.
  • Form Version
    • The Version will help you keep track of different versions / statuses of eForms you create.  When you want to change content in a form, such as adding a new field, you will create a new version, which will start out in the Testing status.  After you are satisfied with your changes, you will change the release status to Released and, most likely, change the status on the old form to “Obsolete.”  This process allows you to retain historical eForm data as it was when the eForm was orginally created while evolving the forms.
    • When you use the Metrics reporting engine, you will also be able to capture information about all versions of an eForm.  For Instance, say you have a vendor return eForm and version 1.0 did not contain data related to the reason for the return.   You then create version 1.1 of the eForm and that new version contains a drop-down list to select the reason for the return.  Once version 1.1 is released, the ProcessMetrics reporting engine will automatically make that data available to you as new forms are processed.