Type | Section | Page | Description |
Bug Fix | eFormDesigner | Form Master | Public form URL is now correct |
Enhancement | eFormDesigner | Form Master | Add Form Settings option called “Allow Secure Notes.” When checked, the eForm will show the option to limit notes visibility to company or department to the right of the “Add a note” section of the active eForm. |
Enhancement | active eForm | Form | Changed the notes section to only show notes. Activities such as form creation, assignments, etc. will be visibile only in the Action Detail page of an active eForm. |
Enhancement | Login | Login | Add ability to log in using Google authentication. User must have previously registered on ProcessMetric with an email account that can be authenticated with Google. |
Enhancement | inbox | inbox | Changed default filter to show all open forms, not just the forms assigned to the logged-in user. |
Enhancement | active eForm | Form | Renamed “Activity” section to “Conversation” |
Enhancement | active eForm | Form | Renamed “Save” to “Send” |
Enhancement | eForm Designer | Lists | Lists now fill in the first value automatically as the “Metrics Value” to prevent redundant typing |
Enhancement | eForm Designer | Field Configurator | Fill in the height on the text area field to prevent empty value |
Enhancement | eForm Designer | Field Configurator | When switching field-types, form now properly refreshes the fields on the field configurator |
Enhancement | eForm Designer & activeForm | Field Configurator | Added “Assign-to” field which will pin the assignment to a single person at your company. Renders as a drop-down list and automatically populates with users from your firm. |
Enhancement | Entire Application | Navigation | Added functionality to warn before navigating if there are unsaved changes to help prevent data loss. |
Bug Fix | Currency | Application | Currency fields now accept > $999,999.99 values |
Enhancement | eForm Designer | Field Layout | Text area now shows the correct height set in the field configurator |
Enhancement | active eForm | Conversation | Conversation thread will be sorted descending. This will reduce scrolling by putting the most recent comments at the top. |
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